How Should Students Manage their Time?

How should students manage their time?

Before seeking answers to that question, I will like us to have an understanding of what time management is…

Time management is the ability to use one’s time effectively and productively, especially at school.

Time management can also be defined as organizing and planning how to divide our time between different activities.

Time management is vital to all. Some of its importance include;

  • Good time management can help us to gain control of our days.
  • It helps us to feel more focused.
  • And finally, it helps us plan ahead and balance our school and home responsibilities.

Tips for time management

Below are some helpful time-management tips a student could follow;

  • Set goals
  • Make a list of things you want and like to do
  • Do one task at a time
  • Establish routines (day-to-day activities)
  • Use breaks and free periods wisely
  • Take time off
  • Delegate work equally
  • Don’t forget to rest

Time management is one of the topics on which college and university students do a lot of research and it has been proven that a student with an effective time management plan often stands out in their academics.


There is never enough time in a day to do all of the tasks we have to do.

No matter how hard we try, there are always going to be times were we’re going to struggle between what needs to be done and what can wait. That is the reason why we have to manage our time wisely.

Time management plays an important role in our daily routines. Everybody needs to be successful in all areas, so, we have to practice Time management in order to be successful.

Without a proper Time management system, one will not be able to accomplish much in a convenient time interval. However, a person will achieve his/her goals partially by managing his/her time effectively.

There are lots of principles used in time management and it is the best way to get more work done by establishing daily routines.

The easiest way one can manage time is by having a plan. We may have difficulties in following our plans 100%, but they help us to keep our life on track.

Some tips on making a plan include;

  • Having a journal where we can record important tasks to be accomplished within the day.
  • Make a to-do list for each day.
  • Set self-control goals.

Above all, time management will free us free a lot of stress.


Edited by: Mvogo Junior

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October 2024