How To Succeed In The Cameroon GCE Examinations

Good preparation from the start of the school year is the “sine qua non” for passing the Cameroon GCE examinations. However, it is also important that you know how to plan your revisions well and to revise effectively.

This article will show you how to succeed in the Cameroon GCE examinations.

What to do at the start of the school year

Succeeding in the GCE requires mental preparation involving the will to achieve your objective, which requires good work from the beginning of the year. Indeed, many students tend to wait until the last moment before they start revising. However, this method is far from being the most effective.

First of all, the first key to passing the GCE evaminations is class attendance. In other words, students must attend all classes , and therefore go to school every day. You also have to be very attentive during class and take notes.

Plan your revisions well

Revisions play a major role in passing the GCE examinations. But you don’t have to revise just anyhow. It is essential to establish a timetable.

To do this, it will be important that you organize the subjects with respect to their difficulty. Obviously, you will need to be proficient in all your subjects (including those that seem difficult). Therefore, students must devote more time to difficult subjects without neglecting those that are relatively easier.

Also. to put the odds on your side, it will be wise to adapt the working time to your level in each subject. Respecting this schedule is the assurance of moving forward with complete peace of mind.

Revise effectively to pass the GCE examination

Reviewing tons of courses at once is not at all easy. It is therefore advisable for all students to complete review sheets. This will make it possible to retain the lessons gradually while facilitating the reactivation of the memory. It is therefore recommended to use suitable supports such as small cardboard sheets.

Making a revision sheet consists of taking only the essential points, therefore the keywords, definitions, formulas and dates. Also, do not hesitate to use markers of different colors to make the contents of the cards ergonomic. Afterwards, it is up to everyone to find the conditions and the environment allowing them to revise effectively.

Some students like to work in a calm and quiet place, while others find their optimal concentration by associating revisions with music.

Always practice

Learning all the lessons at once does not guarantee that you will keep it in memory till the day of the test. This means in other words that it is crucial to train regularly.

It is therefore not enough to be satisfied with the exercises given in class. It is strongly advised to look for others in books or by collecting the annals of previous GCE examinations in order to succeed.

Currently, with the Internet, it is easy to download a large number of standard topics in record time. After having dealt with a subject, it is necessary to consult the answer key if possible or have it corrected by the teacher of the subject in question. Seeing the errors will help guide revisions better.

Do not neglect group work

No student is supposed to understand a subject from A to Z. There must be some chapters that are unintelligible for you, while it is not for others.

Similarly, some students may excel in a subject, which others find more complicated, which is why working alone can be a blockage. Revising in a group to prepare for the GCE examinations is therefore essential. As a result, students have every interest in alternating revision alone and in groups. This also has the advantage of stimulating the desire to learn for some students. However, care must be taken to choose classmates who themselves want to pass their exams.

Make sure you eat well

While revising for the GCE, and in everyday life, it is of utmost importance to adopt a healthier lifestyle, which consists of eating well and getting filled up with vitamins. It is then necessary to adopt a well-balanced diet by eating fruits and vegetables, fish and red meat.

It is also recommended to consume foods that promote memory and above all, water should not be neglected.

Exercise, rest and de-stress

Along the periods of revisions and studies, it is also more advisable to take breaks from time to time. This is very important, because it’s hard to learn lessons when you’re tired. Likewise, sleep should not be neglected.

It is indeed necessary to get enough sleep at night to be able to attack the day effectively. Conversely, insufficient sleep can quickly translate into trouble concentrating and headaches. In this case, it is recommended to ban coca and coffee.

In addition, it is essential to air the head from time to time in order to better revise. In this case, it is advisable to do sports, such as cycling, jogging, swimming, etc. This also allows you to manage stress, because it must be admitted, a little stress can turn into a big panic when preparing for the GCE examinations.

A few small details not to be overlooked on D-Day

The day before D-Day, all students who are going to take the exam must rest well. So, it is no longer advisable to revise in order to prevent the brain from mixing everything up.

Instead, prepare all the things you will take out the next day. In addition, to staying away from any stressful thing during the exams, it is essential to dress in such a way as to be comfortable.

Finally, it is important to arrive a little early at the examination venue. This will give you time to relax to improve concentration.

When the papers are distributed, the first thing to do is read them carefully two to three times if necessary. Then, it is strongly recommended to start with the easy exercises in order to promote relaxation and build confidence. At the end of each test, it is a good idea to schedule time to proofread (going through your work). This makes it possible to check for any faults that may have slipped into it.

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October 2024